Accreditation Platform


Streamline your path to NAAC accreditation

Student Data Management System
For universities and higher education institutes, obtaining accreditation from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is crucial for enhancing their credibility and showcasing the quality of their education. At TeamLease EdTech, we have created an Accreditation Platform to simplify the end-to-end process of applying for NAAC accreditation.
Our platform serves as an audit guide, offering a range of services to help universities achieve the desired results. Our platform simplifies the process of data collection for assessment and reassessment, guiding universities through the complex application process and helping them better understand the requirements.

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How our accreditation platform provide an excellent and reliable way to acquire NAAC accreditation

A complete guide to all data requirements, storage of information, and checklists.
Our platform is pre-configured for Universities and works as a yardstick for Self Assessment.
Create workflows within your organisation to streamline the flow of documents.
Identify gaps and take corrective steps.
Create alerts for users to upload their documents.
Submit your annual report to NAAC directly from the platform.
Print your SSR directly from the platform.
Single repository of all information and documents for future reference.
Gives control over the accreditation process, identifies gaps and saves time.

Discover the Benefits and Features of Accreditation Platform


On-demand Data Extraction

Our platform stores your data securely, allowing for easy and secure data extraction that mimics the data for the NAAC platform.


Time and Cost Saving

The platform simplifies the application process for NAAC by making it easy to enter required parameters, saving time and money.


Workflow Management with Alerts

Helps create workflows between your users and departments with time alerts.


Score Tracking

It maps operational processes with accreditation parameters, giving institutions clarity on which key aspects they need to improve on.


On-demand Visualization

Our dashboard provides a quick and easy way to view of the status of each parameter.


Access Control and Privacy

We ensure privacy among stakeholders within institutions through role-based access and by assigning specific criteria and parameters to each stakeholder.

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